condition mean min max Aerial tissue - Light - ZT1 16.819583333333334 13.5405 20.223 Aerial tissue - Light - ZT3 21.1528 19.131 23.9992 Aerial tissue - Light - ZT5 22.0974 20.3542 24.5045 Aerial tissue - Light - ZT7 31.317766666666667 28.3516 37.1718 Aerial tissue - Light - ZT9 30.671233333333333 27.4444 36.0953 Aerial tissue - Light - ZT11 27.372733333333333 24.8412 28.7004 Aerial tissue - Dark - ZT1 22.3565 20.2501 23.5242 Aerial tissue - Dark - ZT3 28.70093333333333 26.0926 30.0097 Aerial tissue - Dark - ZT5 27.761433333333333 23.282 33.3063 Aerial tissue - Dark - ZT7 25.757266666666666 23.527 27.8122 Aerial tissue - Dark - ZT9 24.093333333333334 22.5137 24.9031 Aerial tissue - Dark - ZT11 21.7225 20.9785 22.1572 Roots 34.87665 33.4601 36.2932 Root elongation and differentiation zone 22.600066666666667 19.8747 24.3455 Root meristematic zone 23.595833333333335 21.2185 25.9417 Aerial roots and rhizophores 29.814799999999998 25.4993 34.1303 Shoot tips 12.9029 12.7391 13.0667 Microphyll 8.961885 6.30747 11.6163 Strobili 18.56335 17.6542 19.4725 Shoot apical meristem - AC 19.455506666666665 8.19411 41.4897 Shoot apical meristem - Core 12.269684999999999 7.36667 17.1727 Shoot apical meristem - P1 9.32427 6.80774 11.8408 Stem - Top 14.48565 13.9396 15.0317 Stem - Bottom 14.69625 14.5407 14.8518 Whole plant 40.06365 31.0575 49.0698 Aerial tissue - Stress - Dark 72.24584999999999 71.7952 72.6965 Aerial tissue - Stress - High light 34.81155 34.6364 34.9867 Aerial tissue - Stress - Cont 35.051 35.051 35.051 Aerial tissue - Stress - 37C 1h 11.1008 11.0095 11.1921 Aerial tissue - Stress - 37C 3h 12.2117 10.9739 13.4495 Aerial tissue - Stress - 4C 1h 12.08855 11.6267 12.5504 Aerial tissue - Stress - 4C 3h 12.145800000000001 11.2118 13.0798