condition mean min max Egg cell 108.07098 38.6281 261.108 Ovule 73.80304230769231 42.8194 104.724 Uninucleate microspore (Col-0) 111.5 105.796 117.894 Uninucleate microspore (Ler-0) 124.84333333333333 109.559 132.769 Pollen (bicellular, Col-0) 133.02666666666667 125.99 137.256 Pollen (late bicellular, Col-0) 101.97376666666666 93.4343 107.932 Pollen (bicellular, Ler-0) 137.33 112.727 166.034 Pollen (tricellular, Col-0) 164.272 157.999 173.198 Pollen (tricellular, Ler-0) 239.64566666666667 177.429 344.034 Pollen (mature, Col-0) 187.333 133.679 269.861 Pollen (mature, Ler-0) 171.27066666666667 142.725 221.026 Sperm 1.0611048333333333 0.38328 1.71075 Pollen tube (Col-0) 48.184333333333335 42.2577 57.1546 Flower (receptacles) 87.889525 83.6048 93.8306 Flower (floral buds) 188.026 188.026 188.026 Flower (sepals) 138.59325 123.079 146.918 Flower (petals) 66.43610000000001 64.7429 68.1293 Flower (stamen filaments) 82.98925 81.6558 84.3227 Flower (anthers) 183.16468333333333 82.179 277.901 Flower (carpels) 79.19285 65.4083 97.121 Flower (stigmatic tissue) 89.79025 88.6416 90.9389 Pedicel 112.09649999999999 106.317 117.876 Axis of the inflorescence 100.21515 97.8943 102.536 Silique 110.59638888888888 93.6994 144.926 Silique (senescent) 71.38714999999999 67.5469 75.2274 Pods of siliques 142.697375 130.236 159.217 Pods of siliques (senescent) 79.38380000000001 76.4554 82.3122 Embryo 226.66 226.66 226.66 Endosperm 60.584540000000004 23.2636 242.472 Seed 96.67075 54.6852 136.694 Seed (young) 84.44812 72.198 102.571 Seed (germinating) 228.851 153.818 326.24 Seedling 153.98346 96.6073 180.202 Seedling (etiolated) 80.74643333333333 60.5285 94.5481 Meristem 114.99838666666666 67.7994 145.444 Stem (internode) 89.52135 85.2374 93.8053 Stem (internode, senescent) 120.8075 116.023 125.592 Stems 170.53406323529413 80.268 335.601 Leaf (rosette) 86.00165714285714 45.6512 316.509 Epidermis cells 35.800200000000004 28.8332 42.7672 Mature guard cells 26.3767 12.8886 39.8648 Root (differentiation zone) 64.5996 64.5996 64.5996 Root (elongation zone) 48.50395 41.1711 55.8368 Root (meristematic zone) 73.5868 73.5868 73.5868 Root (apex) 59.14085 57.0925 61.1892 Root (stele) 429.959 429.959 429.959 Root (QC cells) 540.1050166666666 24.8347 2062.95 Root (tip) 77.10763333333333 71.0906 81.3729