condition mean min max Egg cell 769.7681 225.702 1419.14 Ovule 1185.7635 897.833 1590.04 Uninucleate microspore (Col-0) 2021.3433333333332 1982.4 2059.7 Uninucleate microspore (Ler-0) 1709.0833333333335 1621.4 1777.92 Pollen (bicellular, Col-0) 1767.4066666666668 1568.8 1990.79 Pollen (late bicellular, Col-0) 869.4599999999999 783.757 1009.31 Pollen (bicellular, Ler-0) 1478.3533333333332 1351.61 1590.52 Pollen (tricellular, Col-0) 73.65096666666666 58.509 85.539 Pollen (tricellular, Ler-0) 38.25846666666666 26.3963 55.6917 Pollen (mature, Col-0) 16.00969 1.13171 45.8333 Pollen (mature, Ler-0) 13.0802 0.0 39.2406 Sperm 0.8160883333333333 0.31537 1.66 Pollen tube (Col-0) 0.661652 0.462327 0.83062 Flower (receptacles) 994.981 929.207 1068.51 Flower (floral buds) 1712.14 1712.14 1712.14 Flower (sepals) 388.769 204.6 614.652 Flower (petals) 376.1905 340.462 411.919 Flower (stamen filaments) 504.568 449.211 559.925 Flower (anthers) 244.68786666666665 14.3704 689.741 Flower (carpels) 1260.8298571428572 998.408 1600.64 Flower (stigmatic tissue) 675.6315 666.355 684.908 Pedicel 1003.0920000000001 955.974 1050.21 Axis of the inflorescence 1614.9299999999998 1545.1 1684.76 Silique 690.3682222222222 597.485 807.267 Silique (senescent) 187.961 181.818 194.104 Pods of siliques 343.55649999999997 309.388 405.762 Pods of siliques (senescent) 188.07100000000003 180.925 195.217 Embryo 2063.67 2063.67 2063.67 Endosperm 483.7431 348.077 791.692 Seed 125.4717 61.6048 190.166 Seed (young) 1385.098 1049.71 1631.47 Seed (germinating) 1444.8541666666667 520.025 2790.61 Seedling 805.0738 464.959 1785.21 Seedling (etiolated) 422.8113333333333 352.086 561.656 Meristem 1689.8116666666667 1298.31 2123.04 Stem (internode) 587.7049999999999 572.036 603.374 Stem (internode, senescent) 233.426 227.348 239.504 Stems 831.0960985294117 80.035 1638.36 Leaf (rosette) 170.5779357142857 67.2077 746.853 Epidermis cells 25.384 22.2953 28.4727 Mature guard cells 30.297385 6.03337 54.5614 Root (differentiation zone) 234.146 234.146 234.146 Root (elongation zone) 1048.5055 620.541 1476.47 Root (meristematic zone) 2672.69 2672.69 2672.69 Root (apex) 1531.25 1356.64 1705.86 Root (stele) 729.966 729.966 729.966 Root (QC cells) 454.0412175833333 0.579241 1773.77 Root (tip) 2478.883333333333 2284.29 2777.84