condition mean min max Leaf, Brachetto, 3 month old plants 2.599844987265212 2.2102850541646957 3.0863458331985627 Leaf, Pinot noir 0.07567636910516094 0.0 0.23826563584480934 Stem, Cabernet Sauvignon, N. parvum-infected, 3h 5.228583991150666 1.0186432079926822 9.43852477430865 Stem, Cabernet Sauvignon, N. parvum-infected 24h 179.29795089399875 153.29386330714192 205.30203848085557 Stem, Cabernet Sauvignon, N. parvum-infected 6 weeks 27.988174306406442 15.066331160579141 40.910017452233745 Shoot apex, Chasselas Blanc,Preanthesis G stage 0.5938198386434803 0.2531370287551852 1.1159012523530851 Shoot apex, Chasselas cioutat,Preanthesis G stage 0.5762883569161699 0.27226205854783203 1.0123604019821424 Shoot phloems, Merlot 1.3787764668343785 0.6320028401739487 2.1255500934948084 Flower bud, Female, Stage B 0.0 0.0 0.0 Flower bud, Female, Stage D 0.0 0.0 0.0 Flower bud, Female, Stage G 0.05352903548707408 0.0 0.10705807097414816 Flower bud, Female, Stage H 0.6694228751641127 0.6680955002431868 0.6707502500850385 Flower bud, Hermaphrodite, Stage B 0.7842969349273903 0.7219344377646792 0.8466594320901012 Flower bud, Hermaphrodite, Stage D 0.4410611722384983 0.3325407409517604 0.5495816035252362 Flower bud, Hermaphrodite, Stage G 1.8902159392348967 1.6868325625258227 2.0935993159439708 Flower bud, Hermaphrodite, Stage H 0.6488294877500267 0.29693344949369876 1.0007255260063546 Flower bud, Male, Stage B 0.0 0.0 0.0 Flower bud, Male, Stage D 0.0 0.0 0.0 Berry, mid-ripening 0.0 0.0 0.0 Berry, post-fruit set 0.022407241805442 0.0 0.067221725416326 Berry, post-harvest withering 91.49353653850986 48.60926533675571 134.377807740264 Berry, Zinfandel, veraison 1.2925077357381107 0.23367030148609638 2.4473810880898985 Berry, Zinfandel, post-veraison 4.2446126462639855 2.1995301803534764 7.866820394826275 Berry, Zinfandel, harvest 1.9405824609490834 0.9129935414836875 2.6753590866966164 Grape Skin, Cabernet Sauvignon, 20 Brix 4.584569381518726 1.8335974853236061 7.605307883031878 Grape Skin, Cabernet Sauvignon, 22 Brix 4.808392807255467 2.5680824982609662 7.965095515681991 Grape Skin, Cabernet Sauvignon, 24 Brix 4.09407683669551 3.5109928483884474 4.6086815192221104 Grape Skin, Cabernet Sauvignon, 26 Brix 6.172192016112948 4.411209021424778 7.2528906339251895 Grape Skin, Chardonnay, 20 Brix 2.188472455615261 0.6883659401523465 3.094631313452912 Grape Skin, Chardonnay, 22 Brix 1.2976889555052 0.25344434668814386 1.8586552483817982 Grape Skin, Chardonnay, 24 Brix 0.7296815575552157 0.42588935990674726 1.0251518734024005 Grape Skin, Chardonnay, 26 Brix 2.020800430574231 0.8837950456961576 2.977146999330037 Grape Skin, Merlot, 20 Brix 6.630415741715767 5.386633621233262 7.437731251286717 Grape Skin, Merlot, 22 Brix 14.991700886419025 8.02225197667377 20.91626281445121 Grape Skin, Merlot, 24 Brix 10.32659243686718 4.30891380053261 15.708568650185137 Grape Skin, Merlot, 26 Brix 4.227443208537885 3.410517435520075 5.364674898084261 Grape Skin, Pinot Noir, 20 Brix 10.843381681889978 2.2883218742564386 15.571396522760823 Grape Skin, Pinot Noir, 22 Brix 10.101493274958791 5.993380744970613 14.86846096370916 Grape Skin, Pinot Noir, 24 Brix 10.503265874433328 6.162498231134767 16.207895266302643 Grape Skin, Pinot Noir, 26 Brix 11.444911278246757 4.040688877273102 26.215806001639272 Grape Skin, Sauvignon Blanc, 20 Brix 1.8986044731355063 0.0 5.695813419406519 Grape Skin, Sauvignon Blanc, 22 Brix 0.9494000933079939 0.22915952111814655 2.2071170040953465 Grape Skin, Sauvignon Blanc, 24 Brix 1.0736645421065203 0.0 2.688113717962725 Grape Skin, Sauvignon Blanc, 26 Brix 0.5207091803045821 0.21784779018469352 0.9657768244283038 Pericarp, Barbera, pea-sized berry 6.5757377471258 4.688537005160315 9.417180857467404 Pericarp, Barbera, berries beginning to touch 0.1449367102840354 0.04075884491389938 0.2193947279739394 Pericarp, Barbera, soft berries 2.682489751675451 0.8208845568406213 4.234276386264926 Pericarp, Barbera, Ripe for harvest 48.937764846138336 23.227231561829058 69.34211169789546 Pericarp, Negroamaro, pea-sized berry 0.5928228014328036 0.08229652400468218 0.9899936838402971 Pericarp, Negroamaro, berries beginning to touch 0.16276623769404125 0.08001357350260899 0.22512773747824516 Pericarp, Negroamaro, soft berries 1.2631148901732088 0.5904425942925752 1.9926839009114816 Pericarp, Negroamaro, Ripe for harvest 114.0583301038678 81.40281813666348 133.64211394487117 Pericarp, Primitivo, pea-sized berry 0.21047137897906942 0.08127965606784467 0.291723313661782 Pericarp, Primitivo, berries beginning to touch 0.10043851014054238 0.03639361676342395 0.22189067810190632 Pericarp, Primitivo, soft berries 0.07908302789922485 0.03756438112325238 0.16043886318283943 Pericarp, Primitivo, Ripe for harvest 4.9995917419272295 1.8564679938977156 8.089947619441825 Pericarp, Refosco, pea-sized berry 0.2615144915076055 0.19389482084958765 0.3343197126900965 Pericarp, Refosco, berries beginning to touch 0.0 0.0 0.0 Pericarp, Refosco, soft berries 0.5854190602901734 0.34536996591975516 0.7862844102842993 Pericarp, Refosco, Ripe for harvest 315.03427976657997 263.9230376279629 371.36111476833184 Pericarp, Sangiovese, pea-sized berry 1.0499369809130448 0.47955193955124487 1.4260248321914475 Pericarp, Sangiovese, berries beginning to touch 0.03345746051183223 0.0 0.1003723815354967 Pericarp, Sangiovese, soft berries 0.18292732014442767 0.0 0.29403026818147926 Pericarp, Sangiovese, Ripe for harvest 2.6575887389139243 1.9863451503892473 3.9199091215316293 Seed, green berry stage 0.0 0.0 0.0 Seed, 1 week after flowering 0.5155665339349611 0.3904757428659017 0.7104974434170493 Seed, seeded grape 0.04240204724055859 0.0 0.06701897649021218 Seed, seedless grape 6.487529596422017 4.038310018202217 11.277483003497622 Seed, 7 weeks after flowering 0.7665013977871584 0.0 1.5330027955743168 Seed trace, green berry stage 0.09576351665076918 0.0 0.24551096699944697