condition mean min max Leaf, Brachetto, 3 month old plants 11.38036002791905 2.6346358678235555 16.481086749280326 Leaf, Pinot noir 0.9871986977048797 0.37232747989028253 1.5234157893413875 Stem, Cabernet Sauvignon, N. parvum-infected, 3h 4.67699675595843 2.9633256959787113 6.390667815938149 Stem, Cabernet Sauvignon, N. parvum-infected 24h 2.8882439996408 0.5144089372722883 5.262079062009311 Stem, Cabernet Sauvignon, N. parvum-infected 6 weeks 18.338674844020915 13.095266132352737 23.582083555689092 Shoot apex, Chasselas Blanc,Preanthesis G stage 3.6203520436950947 3.0329623781904367 4.0029119850387165 Shoot apex, Chasselas cioutat,Preanthesis G stage 5.411920311029471 4.220061907491397 6.385987521891443 Shoot phloems, Merlot 26.957299387218388 23.501142649431277 30.4134561250055 Flower bud, Female, Stage B 2.8707258985502797 2.308945989245369 3.4325058078551898 Flower bud, Female, Stage D 3.374769034719969 3.3041582831994063 3.4453797862405313 Flower bud, Female, Stage G 5.409201084124292 5.352903548707408 5.465498619541176 Flower bud, Female, Stage H 3.22168054765985 3.173453626155137 3.269907469164563 Flower bud, Hermaphrodite, Stage B 3.5799928452455543 3.3096686890794866 3.8503170014116224 Flower bud, Hermaphrodite, Stage D 4.196827935120896 3.6272385832665592 4.766417286975233 Flower bud, Hermaphrodite, Stage G 2.835890425474127 2.586476595872928 3.0853042550753256 Flower bud, Hermaphrodite, Stage H 2.837836179782544 2.5734232289453893 3.102249130619699 Flower bud, Male, Stage B 7.045441343478885 7.031178177613537 7.059704509344233 Flower bud, Male, Stage D 5.474748991318208 5.396368860484763 5.5531291221516526 Berry, mid-ripening 0.11001449972143035 0.0 0.18490749293853692 Berry, post-fruit set 1.829971900609694 0.9152642276298745 3.2266428199836477 Berry, post-harvest withering 0.0 0.0 0.0 Berry, Zinfandel, veraison 0.2759424879949658 0.08380945484631525 0.5562753140035078 Berry, Zinfandel, post-veraison 0.033326214853840554 0.0 0.09997864456152165 Berry, Zinfandel, harvest 0.049961130009856275 0.0 0.08299941286215341 Grape Skin, Cabernet Sauvignon, 20 Brix 0.39098673768611897 0.2797013113205501 0.5042193071623344 Grape Skin, Cabernet Sauvignon, 22 Brix 0.1313509787059352 0.036373835587134994 0.27347967435817994 Grape Skin, Cabernet Sauvignon, 24 Brix 0.19000930428034404 0.11667548149929394 0.2660994794276877 Grape Skin, Cabernet Sauvignon, 26 Brix 0.11045212037110008 0.09197954889917956 0.12663757956243382 Grape Skin, Chardonnay, 20 Brix 0.7824143788571077 0.6553336899076755 0.874474892732736 Grape Skin, Chardonnay, 22 Brix 0.4031159158094381 0.18747023909954294 0.5656776842901124 Grape Skin, Chardonnay, 24 Brix 0.3113767395547628 0.14196311996891575 0.564355571272617 Grape Skin, Chardonnay, 26 Brix 0.23407965595908073 0.14010103526258996 0.2830447602895498 Grape Skin, Merlot, 20 Brix 0.05830874948445621 0.0 0.10425742492709539 Grape Skin, Merlot, 22 Brix 0.03430063321199769 0.0 0.05820903037434518 Grape Skin, Merlot, 24 Brix 0.0 0.0 0.0 Grape Skin, Merlot, 26 Brix 0.011839809975785813 0.0 0.03551942992735744 Grape Skin, Pinot Noir, 20 Brix 0.7937042847124386 0.63786443587213 1.0983944996430903 Grape Skin, Pinot Noir, 22 Brix 0.35283416675863666 0.14527135563379387 0.49600392372170593 Grape Skin, Pinot Noir, 24 Brix 0.22502847534257242 0.1766068430118372 0.2738888102726563 Grape Skin, Pinot Noir, 26 Brix 0.07374823519115938 0.0 0.11652111302365413 Grape Skin, Sauvignon Blanc, 20 Brix 0.2977954166896466 0.17525579752020057 0.5300167610229005 Grape Skin, Sauvignon Blanc, 22 Brix 0.21083862883231147 0.12261761133863036 0.3601078188999446 Grape Skin, Sauvignon Blanc, 24 Brix 0.16618119038646822 0.0 0.422417869965571 Grape Skin, Sauvignon Blanc, 26 Brix 0.07958431096868988 0.037850292630074896 0.10892389509234676 Pericarp, Barbera, pea-sized berry 3.469273976406992 3.2030599342184334 3.811183307626902 Pericarp, Barbera, berries beginning to touch 0.12553419143616368 0.03493131159285349 0.2193947279739394 Pericarp, Barbera, soft berries 0.12850927019321515 0.09009098694180695 0.17412702720861664 Pericarp, Barbera, Ripe for harvest 0.01234834213813347 0.0 0.03704502641440041 Pericarp, Negroamaro, pea-sized berry 6.173611335516366 5.5349646869252975 7.30740916330073 Pericarp, Negroamaro, berries beginning to touch 1.5226163098183354 1.1201900290365256 1.7259793206665461 Pericarp, Negroamaro, soft berries 0.06007517910425223 0.0 0.10051818127629744 Pericarp, Negroamaro, Ripe for harvest 0.05324487824215992 0.02766917472978699 0.0963346960197201 Pericarp, Primitivo, pea-sized berry 8.258294390895703 7.959063949993511 8.453084231055845 Pericarp, Primitivo, berries beginning to touch 0.7130619296700613 0.4367234011610874 0.9036559466822337 Pericarp, Primitivo, soft berries 0.36706079102467865 0.26295066786276666 0.5494417514821583 Pericarp, Primitivo, Ripe for harvest 0.028901613569220018 0.0 0.055827178038034775 Pericarp, Refosco, pea-sized berry 3.850893540605001 3.166948740543265 4.643329342918007 Pericarp, Refosco, berries beginning to touch 0.21981504136382327 0.0 0.349363085686569 Pericarp, Refosco, soft berries 0.8903972871951151 0.7911635525775234 1.0597746399484034 Pericarp, Refosco, Ripe for harvest 0.03006814130251948 0.0 0.045724711993756564 Pericarp, Sangiovese, pea-sized berry 4.815087939798307 4.2112541172187266 5.48059359487137 Pericarp, Sangiovese, berries beginning to touch 0.09849457224741641 0.04667210614506419 0.2007447630709934 Pericarp, Sangiovese, soft berries 0.42920116856816554 0.20575101520980088 0.6114040614043289 Pericarp, Sangiovese, Ripe for harvest 0.01468130757127951 0.0 0.04404392271383853 Seed, green berry stage 1.596318419018488 1.2075910987856313 1.844950079077196 Seed, 1 week after flowering 3.926075139881733 2.839823584479285 5.070137976561978 Seed, seeded grape 0.7929789681808084 0.0 1.7168780869963258 Seed, seedless grape 2.6048092872163693 1.428940467979246 3.4426000747519057 Seed, 7 weeks after flowering 0.048045731849403535 0.0 0.09609146369880707 Seed trace, green berry stage 5.245600698674839 2.631763595298091 9.275067415535053