condition mean min max Egg cell 31.601131 7.71646 108.195 Ovule 24.404095926923077 0.0 39.5014 Uninucleate microspore (Col-0) 13.1096 11.3065 15.2807 Uninucleate microspore (Ler-0) 32.958133333333336 23.6068 47.1429 Pollen (bicellular, Col-0) 31.878133333333334 30.144 34.5212 Pollen (late bicellular, Col-0) 24.4112 22.0024 28.4599 Pollen (bicellular, Ler-0) 37.54756666666667 35.275 41.2316 Pollen (tricellular, Col-0) 4.02444 2.94939 5.35142 Pollen (tricellular, Ler-0) 3.0422733333333336 1.08468 4.14458 Pollen (mature, Col-0) 2.78394 2.26389 3.311 Pollen (mature, Ler-0) 3.56749 3.09157 4.03654 Sperm 3.46846 2.6541 4.32866 Pollen tube (Col-0) 25.930433333333333 19.0393 33.8894 Flower (receptacles) 13.018325 11.3946 15.4338 Flower (floral buds) 29.4787 29.4787 29.4787 Flower (sepals) 13.7774275 9.75354 19.8714 Flower (petals) 26.6475 23.3998 29.8952 Flower (stamen filaments) 21.74465 20.8944 22.5949 Flower (anthers) 9.612146666666666 4.45899 20.7591 Flower (carpels) 36.78287857142857 27.2956 44.5611 Flower (stigmatic tissue) 57.832499999999996 55.2004 60.4646 Pedicel 11.96385 11.4038 12.5239 Axis of the inflorescence 17.66225 16.7464 18.5781 Silique 13.214054444444445 8.76559 16.5435 Silique (senescent) 1.96586 1.89894 2.03278 Pods of siliques 10.41850875 8.70478 12.6164 Pods of siliques (senescent) 11.25639 9.82938 12.6834 Embryo 14.9594 14.9594 14.9594 Endosperm 21.50218 8.0394 28.3798 Seed 1.02852525 0.643669 1.4374 Seed (young) 27.49655 23.206 33.3398 Seed (germinating) 9.58405 4.52192 14.4264 Seedling 7.248954 6.19093 7.83754 Seedling (etiolated) 8.370828333333334 7.19327 11.4841 Meristem 13.846279 3.60376 34.4008 Stem (internode) 11.567450000000001 10.63 12.5049 Stem (internode, senescent) 20.20995 19.4358 20.9841 Stems 10.374193102941176 0.0 18.0371 Leaf (rosette) 8.005750714285714 2.08 13.8779 Epidermis cells 2.517299 0.480088 4.55451 Mature guard cells 13.260925 5.62975 20.8921 Root (differentiation zone) 10.0024 10.0024 10.0024 Root (elongation zone) 16.39345 12.6148 20.1721 Root (meristematic zone) 18.8234 18.8234 18.8234 Root (apex) 13.9372 12.7729 15.1015 Root (stele) 35.5292 35.5292 35.5292 Root (QC cells) 122.18239336666667 0.0 814.783 Root (tip) 10.518296666666666 9.84929 11.5454