condition mean min max Egg cell 7.9458979 0.0 55.9384 Ovule 10.343394615384616 4.05053 27.3504 Uninucleate microspore (Col-0) 2.534456666666667 2.19734 3.11726 Uninucleate microspore (Ler-0) 1.1051476666666666 0.961927 1.36263 Pollen (bicellular, Col-0) 2.5834566666666667 1.51528 4.33503 Pollen (late bicellular, Col-0) 1.203286 0.627962 2.19884 Pollen (bicellular, Ler-0) 0.981662 0.841306 1.06013 Pollen (tricellular, Col-0) 1.4588933333333334 0.871743 2.62643 Pollen (tricellular, Ler-0) 3.3917266666666666 1.3873 5.95315 Pollen (mature, Col-0) 10.927008 8.79411 13.6734 Pollen (mature, Ler-0) 6.079923333333333 4.70285 7.29577 Sperm 0.573229 0.498044 0.670147 Pollen tube (Col-0) 6.305083333333333 5.54045 7.19189 Flower (receptacles) 12.240475 10.1799 14.4753 Flower (floral buds) 5.75548 5.75548 5.75548 Flower (sepals) 17.027275 16.0409 18.7428 Flower (petals) 13.5307 11.4855 15.5759 Flower (stamen filaments) 16.22455 15.7 16.7491 Flower (anthers) 5.131876666666667 3.48563 6.54403 Flower (carpels) 17.63362642857143 4.692 47.1821 Flower (stigmatic tissue) 5.68933 5.62595 5.75271 Pedicel 8.560445 8.42056 8.70033 Axis of the inflorescence 25.0047 24.1888 25.8206 Silique 2.8052366666666666 1.70806 4.8834 Silique (senescent) 28.58605 25.4416 31.7305 Pods of siliques 2.41314 1.88711 3.41677 Pods of siliques (senescent) 2.382475 2.1742 2.59075 Embryo 51.4729 51.4729 51.4729 Endosperm 0.8777364 0.136015 1.4255 Seed 11.161372499999999 7.50379 15.5336 Seed (young) 7.93166 2.86819 16.1623 Seed (germinating) 72.34086666666667 59.4144 92.305 Seedling 31.45054 8.5157 47.8063 Seedling (etiolated) 54.58278333333333 32.7895 79.1611 Meristem 58.49405333333333 36.4682 75.5422 Stem (internode) 3.9882 3.98228 3.99412 Stem (internode, senescent) 2.5790249999999997 2.43269 2.72536 Stems 22.906593235294118 1.03788 65.5966 Leaf (rosette) 6.409435714285714 3.28095 9.61281 Epidermis cells 14.5059 8.1657 20.8461 Mature guard cells 12.70975 10.7654 14.6541 Root (differentiation zone) 17.7391 17.7391 17.7391 Root (elongation zone) 106.48565 69.3863 143.585 Root (meristematic zone) 230.451 230.451 230.451 Root (apex) 90.72200000000001 84.6296 96.8144 Root (stele) 486.297 486.297 486.297 Root (QC cells) 592.4520091666667 3.05715 2127.95 Root (tip) 161.93066666666667 131.933 180.802