GO:0003856: 3-dehydroquinate synthase activity (Molecular function)

"Catalysis of the reaction: 7-phospho-2-dehydro-3-deoxy-D-arabino-heptonate = 3-dehydroquinate + phosphate." [EC:, RHEA:21968]

There are 396 sequences with this label.

Enriched clusters
Name Species % in cluster p-value corrected p-value action
Cluster_264 Amborella trichopoda 1.69 % 0.00216 0.012629
Cluster_177 Gingko biloba 3.85 % 2e-06 0.000351
Cluster_341 Zea mays 1.19 % 0.00202 0.013761
Cluster_16 Marchantia polymorpha 0.46 % 0.011225 0.045742
Cluster_454 Picea abies 1.61 % 0.00093 0.004804
Cluster_29 Chlamydomonas reinhardtii 1.45 % 0.003889 0.045443
Sequences (396) (download table)

Info: GO-associations disabled for items with more than 300 associated sequences !
InterPro Domains

Family Terms