GO:0098791: Golgi subcompartment (Cellular component)

"A compartment that consists of a lumen and an enclosing membrane, and is part of the Golgi Apparatus." [GOC:dos]

There are 1812 sequences with this label.

Enriched clusters
Name Species % in cluster p-value corrected p-value action
Cluster_235 Arabidopsis thaliana 14.04 % 0.0 2e-06
Cluster_179 Arabidopsis thaliana 6.67 % 0.00013 0.008901
Cluster_193 Arabidopsis thaliana 5.71 % 0.003145 0.028146
Cluster_405 Arabidopsis thaliana 50.0 % 0.017138 0.046199
Cluster_99 Arabidopsis thaliana 12.39 % 0.0 0.0
Cluster_259 Arabidopsis thaliana 15.87 % 0.0 0.0
Cluster_154 Arabidopsis thaliana 7.56 % 1e-06 8e-06
Cluster_204 Arabidopsis thaliana 11.22 % 0.0 0.0
Cluster_245 Arabidopsis thaliana 11.86 % 1e-06 0.000141
Cluster_316 Gingko biloba 1.52 % 0.001598 0.004442
Cluster_232 Zea mays 0.61 % 0.003969 0.046551
Cluster_280 Picea abies 1.28 % 0.00234 0.008524
Cluster_539 Picea abies 1.79 % 0.00168 0.009952
Cluster_314 Oryza sativa 0.68 % 0.003508 0.033273
Cluster_274 Solanum lycopersicum 2.33 % 0.001262 0.026921
Sequences (1812) (download table)

Info: GO-associations disabled for items with more than 300 associated sequences !
InterPro Domains

Family Terms