GO:0009965: leaf morphogenesis (Biological process)

"The process in which the anatomical structures of the leaf are generated and organized." [GOC:go_curators]

There are 1457 sequences with this label.

Enriched clusters
Name Species % in cluster p-value corrected p-value action
Cluster_36 Arabidopsis thaliana 7.08 % 1e-06 1.9e-05
Cluster_87 Arabidopsis thaliana 9.09 % 1e-06 8.7e-05
Cluster_115 Arabidopsis thaliana 3.54 % 0.007492 0.048724
Cluster_149 Arabidopsis thaliana 3.8 % 0.016759 0.041079
Cluster_34 Arabidopsis thaliana 5.0 % 0.002187 0.007289
Cluster_106 Arabidopsis thaliana 6.06 % 6e-05 0.000249
Cluster_239 Arabidopsis thaliana 5.0 % 0.007963 0.023598
Cluster_98 Arabidopsis thaliana 7.14 % 0.0 0.0
Cluster_151 Arabidopsis thaliana 6.78 % 0.000703 0.00252
Cluster_141 Arabidopsis thaliana 5.97 % 0.001135 0.012144
Cluster_227 Arabidopsis thaliana 6.45 % 4.3e-05 0.00026
Cluster_214 Arabidopsis thaliana 5.38 % 0.000441 0.01073
Cluster_110 Arabidopsis thaliana 3.6 % 0.002656 0.008277
Cluster_102 Arabidopsis thaliana 7.02 % 0.000617 0.008346
Cluster_185 Arabidopsis thaliana 11.51 % 0.0 0.0
Sequences (1457) (download table)

Info: GO-associations disabled for items with more than 300 associated sequences !
InterPro Domains

Family Terms