GO:0005666: RNA polymerase III complex (Cellular component)

"RNA polymerase III, one of three nuclear DNA-directed RNA polymerases found in all eukaryotes, is a multisubunit complex; typically it produces 5S rRNA, tRNAs and some of the small nuclear RNAs. Two large subunits comprise the most conserved portion including the catalytic site and share similarity with other eukaryotic and bacterial multisubunit RNA polymerases. The remainder of the complex is composed of smaller subunits (generally ten or more), some of which are also found in RNA polymerase I and others of which are also found in RNA polymerases I and II. Although the core is competent to mediate ribonucleic acid synthesis, it requires additional factors to select the appropriate template." [GOC:krc, GOC:mtg_sensu]

There are 882 sequences with this label.

Enriched clusters
Name Species % in cluster p-value corrected p-value action
Cluster_207 Cyanophora paradoxa 1.47 % 0.005498 0.039011
Cluster_262 Gingko biloba 0.77 % 0.009412 0.044807
Cluster_178 Marchantia polymorpha 1.56 % 0.00658 0.039027
Cluster_114 Physcomitrella patens 0.83 % 0.007381 0.031853
Cluster_90 Picea abies 0.9 % 0.004989 0.016904
Cluster_336 Oryza sativa 1.33 % 0.005324 0.02523
Cluster_145 Solanum lycopersicum 1.3 % 0.006764 0.022934
Sequences (882) (download table)

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InterPro Domains

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